%0 Generic %A Parra Pérez, Diana Angélica %A Galbreath, Amber %A Corredor Plazas, Nelson Javier %A Averanga, Alfredo Jose %A Pinzón Heredia, Camila Andrea %A Ruíz Mora, Karol Melissa %A Menza Vados, Darío Alejandro %8 2015-09-11 %U http://intellectum.unisabana.edu.co/handle/10818/18448 %X By the end of the module the student will be able to share information about jobs, his/her working day and the household chores he/she likes and he/she doesn't like doing. Jobs, Grammar Review, Pronunciation, Household Chores, Working Day. %I Universidad de La Sabana %K Inglés comercial -- Enseñanza %K Inglés -- Enseñanza %K Inglés -- Vocabulario %T Working Day and Household Chores %~ Intellectum