@misc{10818/62550, year = {2023}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/62550}, abstract = {La capa córnea es el resultado final de la diferenciación de la epidermis, que incluye mitosis en la capa basal, síntesis de filamentos de queratina en el estrato malpighiano, síntesis de profilagrina y de los cuerpos lamelares en la capa granulosa y finalmente, formación de los corneocitos y de su envoltura córnea . Esta diferenciación, de enorme complejidad enzimática, termina formando una barrera protectora, antimicrobiana, impermeable, cohesiva, transitoria, que se descama cada 4-5 semanas, para proteger la integridad y la seguridad del organismo.}, abstract = {The stratum corneum is the final result of the differentiation of the epidermis, which includes mitosis in the basal layer, synthesis of keratin filaments in the stratum malpighian, synthesis of profilaggrin and lamellar bodies in the granular layer and finally, formation of the corneocytes and their corneal envelope. This differentiation, of enormous enzymatic complexity, ends up forming a protective, antimicrobial, impermeable, cohesive, transient barrier, which is shed every 4-5 weeks, to protect the integrity and safety of the organism.}, publisher = {Piel}, title = {The importance of the corneal-granular junction in ichthyosis vulgaris}, title = {La importancia de la unión córneo-granulosa en la ictiosis vulgar}, doi = {10.1016/j.piel.2022.07.024}, author = {Gómez-Chicre, Vanessa and Pérez-Cubides, Ángela and Rodriguez-Toro, Gerzaín}, }