@misc{10818/61934, year = {2024}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/61934}, abstract = {Introduction. The perioperative management of hepatobiliary emergencies by the general surgeon is an expected competence and is considered a challenge due to its relative frequency, impact on the individual health and the economy, as well as the implications for reliable and high-quality clinical practice. The formal aspects of education in hepatobiliary surgery for the general surgeon in Colombia are unknown. The objective of the present study was to explore the perspective of hepatobiliary surgeons on this problem. Methods. A qualitative study was carried out through semi-structured interviews with 14 Colombian hepatobiliary surgery specialists, where the challenges of training, time and characteristics of the rotation, evaluation of reliability, number of procedures and role of simulation. A thematic analysis of the information was carried out. Results. The experts mentioned the importance of mandatory rotation for hepatobiliary surgery for surgeons in training. The ideal duration was three months, during the last year of residency, in specialized centers with active exposure and under supervision. Conclusions. Due to the epidemiological characteristics of the country and the frequency of hepatobiliary diseases that require surgical treatment, it is necessary for the general surgeon to have solid training in this field during residency. The present study reports on the ideal characteristics of training in this field from the perspective of Colombian experts. © 2024, Asociacion Colombiana de Cirugia. All rights reserved.}, publisher = {Revista Colombiana de Cirugia}, title = {The general surgeon in hepatobiliary emergencies in Colombia from the experts’ perspective: A qualitative study [El cirujano general en las urgencias hepatobiliares en Colombia desde la visión de los expertos: un estudio cualitativo]}, doi = {10.30944/20117582.2501}, author = {Peña-González L and Domínguez-Torres L.C and Vega-Peña N.V and Marenco-Aguilar C.}, }