@misc{10818/61901, year = {2024}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/61901}, abstract = {This study explored the deconsolidation of Venezuelan subsidiaries by 15 U.S. Multinational Corporations (MNCs) during the severe economic and political crisis of 2015. We used a probit model and decision tree classifier to examine how foreign exchange losses and the industry sector influenced this decision. We found that consumer goods MNCs and those with large losses were more likely to be deconsolidated. Deconsolidation may be a common response in other troubled emerging markets, especially in a deglobalized world. We contend that deconsolidation improves stakeholder quality and the transparency of financial reporting. In addition, an MNC's subsidiary deconsolidation is the middle ground between doing nothing and divesting. This study fills a gap in the academic literature on deconsolidation that has been largely overlooked in the past. This raises new questions and challenges for scholars seeking to promote financial reporting transparency in a changing global environment. © 2024 Elsevier Inc.}, publisher = {Journal of Business Research}, title = {A new side of deglobalization: Why did US multinational corporations deconsolidate their subsidiaries from Venezuela?}, doi = {10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.114765}, author = {Ortiz N and Jaramillo Zambrano C and Garay U and Tellez-Falla D.F.}, }