@masterThesis{10818/60701, year = {2024}, month = {1}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/60701}, abstract = {This article reviews research on the convergence of gamification, affective computing, and MOOCs for personalized, AI-enhanced education. The systematic literature review follows PRISMA guidelines, formulating focused questions and identifying 102 relevant sources.}, abstract = {Este artículo aborda la convergencia de la gamificación, la informática afectiva y los MOOC para la educación personalizada apoyada por Inteligencia Artificial. La revisión sistemática de literatura siguió las directrices PRISMA, formulando preguntas específicas e identificando 102 fuentes relevantes.}, publisher = {Universidad de La Sabana}, title = {Affective Gamification and MOOC in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: A Literature Review}, author = {Acevedo, Nohora Alicia and Chiappe Laverde, Andrés}, }