@misc{10818/57330, year = {2013}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/57330}, abstract = {Perforation of the Nasal Septum as the First Sign of Histoplasmosis Associated with AIDS and Review of Published Literature}, abstract = {Perforación del tabique nasal como primer signo de histoplasmosis asociada al sida y revisión de la literatura publicada}, publisher = {Mycopathologia}, keywords = {Histoplasmosis relacionada con el SIDA}, keywords = {Infecciones oportunistas}, keywords = {Perforación del tabique nasal}, keywords = {Leishmaniasis}, keywords = {Mucocutánea}, title = {Perforation of the Nasal Septum as the First Sign of Histoplasmosis Associated with AIDS and Review of Published Literature}, title = {Perforación del tabique nasal como primer signo de histoplasmosis asociada al sida y revisión de la literatura publicada}, author = {Jaimes, Angel and Muvdi, Sandra and Alvarado, Zulma and Rodríguez, Gerzaín}, }