@misc{10818/51679, year = {2022}, month = {5}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/51679}, abstract = {La práctica profesional de la Enfermería aplica el método científico por medio del Plan de atención de Enfermería (PAE); dotándolo de orden lógico sistemático y continuo, su ausencia acarrea un sin número de repercusiones negativas que repercuten directamente en el sujeto de cuidado, como la falta de secuencia en el cuidado emitido al paciente, la Poca priorización y aplicación de criterios específicos de enfermería de acuerdo a los requerimientos clínicos de cada persona o la Falta de registros que faciliten la planeación del cuidado. 6 El siguiente proyecto de gestión tiene como objetivo Implementar el uso del Proceso de Atención de Enfermería basado en una teoría de rango medio, como herramienta que permita fortalecer las competencias en los profesionales de enfermería para contribuir en la adaptación del sujeto de cuidado en la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo; Para ello se desarrollaron actividades de caracterización del nivel de conocimiento respecto al Plan de atención de Enfermería y el modelo de Adaptación de callista Roy, mediante un pretest aplicado a una población de 8 profesionales de enfermería.}, abstract = {The professional practice of Nursing applies the scientific method through the Nursing Care Plan (PAE); providing it with a systematic and continuous logical order, its absence carries a number of negative repercussions that directly affect the subject of care, such as the lack of sequence in the care issued to the patient, the little prioritization and application of specific nursing criteria according to the clinical requirements of each person or the lack of records that facilitate care planning.The following management Project aims to implement the use of the Nursing Care Process based on a mid-range theory, as a tool to strengthen the skills of nursing professionals to contribute to the adaptation of the subject of care in the Nursing Unit. Intensive care; To this end, activities were developed to characterize the level of knowledge regarding the Nursing Care Plan and the Calista Roy Adaptation model, through a pretest applied to a population of 8 nursing professionals; It was found that 63% have little knowledge regarding the Nursing Care Plan and Calista Roy's care model, given this and in order to improve the level of knowledge regarding this topic, training activities were carried out in professionals, which demonstrated effectiveness, since in a new reassessment and through a post-test after these activities, it was possible to demonstrate an improvement in the level of knowledge of professionals by 75%, in addition, a methodological tool is proposed that allows the ICU nurse, Recognize the needs of the subject of care in a systematic and scientifically based manner, which includes and merges all the phases of the PAE and the postulates that the adaptation model of Calista Roy has, said tool created had a satisfactory acceptance on the part of these, with 75% acceptance, thus managing to contribute to the improvement of the professional practice of the discipline. Nursing care having repercussions on the care that is issued in the subject of care.}, publisher = {Universidad de La Sabana}, title = {Implementación del proceso de atención de enfermería basado en una teoría de rango medio}, author = {Vargas Páez, Leidy Carolina and Ladino, Mauricio Isidro and Quintero Delgado, Jackeline}, }