@masterThesis{10818/51374, year = {2022}, month = {3}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/51374}, abstract = {La educación para el emprendimiento ha cobrado relevancia en los últimos años. El marco normativo colombiano y el Ministerio de Educación Nacional han realizado aportes a este aspecto. Sin embargo, aún no existe claridad sobre cómo implementar prácticas orientadas a estimular el emprendimiento con sentido social en los colegios. La experiencia educativa en emprendimiento ha sido diversa y en su mayoría ha sido enfocada a la economía. Esto genera un punto de reflexión sobre el emprendimiento y su relación con aspectos culturales y sociales con el territorio en el que viven los estudiantes. Por esa razón este proyecto de investigación empleó una estrategia pedagógica que busca reconfigurar las nociones de emprendimiento en los estudiantes de grado noveno en un colegio privado, con el objetivo que sus proyectos empresariales tengan miradas sociales y así fortalecer la identidad y pertenencia con el territorio.}, abstract = {Education for entrepreneurship has gained relevance in recent years. The Colombian regulatory framework and the Colombian National Ministry of Education have made important contributions in this regard. However, in the country there is still no clarity on alternatives to implement practices aimed at stimulating entrepreneurship with a social sense from early stages of education. The educational experience in entrepreneurship education has been diverse and mostly focused on economics. This generates a point of reflection on entrepreneurship and its relationship with cultural and social aspects with the territory. For this reason this research was based on the implementation of a strategy that intended reconfigure the concept about entrepreneurship in secondary at private school, the objective was that in the projects the students will engage social focus, So strengthen identity and belonging to the territory. The question to answer was: How does a pedagogical strategy of educational entrepreneurship affect the creation of microenterprises with social and cultural value? The objectives of this research focused on identifying the social values promoted by the pedagogical strategy, describing the strategies used by students to preserve and socialize their culture in the microenterprises they create, and determining variations (if any) in the notion of entrepreneurship of a group of high school students based on a proposal based on social and cultural values. The research was framed in the qualitative paradigm with a descriptive and interpretative scope since it focused on realities that were built collectively thanks to the experiences and practices of the students. The research highlights the importance of creating strategies and entrepreneurial practices that involve the family, the community and the students in order to recover the local and ancestral memory of the territories. It is a challenging work that invites educational institutions to take the risk of teaching entrepreneurship thinking not for a particular benefit but for the common benefit}, publisher = {Universidad de La Sabana}, title = {Emprendimiento educativo y estrategia pedagógica para fomentar la creación de microempresas con valor social y cultural}, author = {Avellaneda Ortiz, Danilo Enrique}, }