@misc{10818/50727, year = {2021}, month = {12}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/50727}, abstract = {La adolescencia es una etapa evolutiva que supone una serie de cambios a nivel biológico, psicológico y social, encontrándose vulnerables ante posibles factores de riesgo que pueden ser predisponentes de sintomatología emocional. Teniendo en cuenta el aumento de esta sintomatología en niños y adolescentes en la actualidad, el objetivo principal de esta investigación fue analizar la eficacia de una intervención virtual basada en la Terapia de aceptación y compromiso en adolescentes colombianos de 12 a 17 años con sintomatología emocional. Esta investigación fue de diseño cuasi-experimental con medidas pretest y postest de un solo grupo. Se trabajó con una población de 25 sujetos colombianos (N=25), en donde se utilizaron los instrumentos DASS21, CFQ, SWLS, AAQ II y PSWQ 11. Se llevó a cabo una intervención virtual de 3 sesiones de ACT basada en dos protocolos centrados en pensamientos negativos repetitivos y trastornos emocionales moderados, los cuales buscan promover la flexibilidad cognitiva de los individuos.}, abstract = {Adolescence is a stage of development that involves a series of changes at the biological, psychological and social levels. This makes adolescence a vulnerable stage to possible risk factors that may be predisposing emotional symptoms. Taking into account the increase of emotional symptoms in children and adolescents, the main objective of this research was to analyze the efficacy of a virtual intervention based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy -ACT- in Colombian adolescents aged 12 to 17 years with emotional symptoms. This research was of quasi-experimental design with pretest and postest measurements of a single group. This research worked with a population of 25 Colombian subjects (N=25), using the instruments DASS21, CFQ, SWLS, AAQ II and PSWQ 11. A virtual intervention of 3 ACT sessions was conducted based on two protocols focused on repetitive negative thoughts and moderate emotional disorders, which seek to promote the cognitive flexibility of individuals. Significant differences were found in the 7 dimensions evaluated between pretest and postest in the entire sample. Similarly, differences between genders were evident, showing greater changes in women, concluding the effectiveness of the intervention performed. This research involves recognizing the adaptation of psychological therapies to the virtual modality as an alternative to current generational changes and social challenges. It also raises the importance of conducting gender analysis and interventions.}, publisher = {Universidad de La Sabana}, title = {Terapia de aceptación y compromiso en modalidad virtual y bienestar psicológico en adolescentes colombianos}, author = {Alban León, María Camila and Rinco Ramírez, Valentina}, }