@masterThesis{10818/50632, year = {2022}, month = {2}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/50632}, abstract = {En un contexto escolar se pueden presentar diferentes situaciones con los estudiantes, docentes, padres de familia y en general todos los miembros que componen una institución educativa, que necesitan ser abordados de manera consciente, puesto que se puede inferir que este ámbito permite encontrarse con un campo amplio de investigación, en el cual se permite plantear un proyecto como el presente dando una respuesta a la necesidad presentada en los estudiantes del nivel de jardín de una institución educativa en la ciudad de Bogotá. Teniendo en cuenta que al abordar una problemática social investigativa es necesario la construcción de un plan de acción que permita no solo la recolección de información sino apuntar a que los resultados esperados se cumplan, es por esto que después una observación participante se hace necesario dar respuesta a los hallazgos encontrados para posteriormente a partir de diferentes estrategias pedagógicas y didácticas se apunte a fortalecer algunos hábitos de vida saludable en los niños y las niñas después de la pandemia por el Covid 19 y del regreso a clases presenciales, puesto que muchos factores a nivel personal, familiar, social, cultural y económico pudieron provocar cambios en las rutinas de estudio, alimentación y socialización con el otro afectaban notablemente su proceso de aprendizaje, la interacción que llevaban dentro del aula con sus compañeros y su estado emocional, físico y mental.}, abstract = {In a school context, different situations can arise with students, teachers, parents and, in general, all the members that make up an educational institution, which need to be approached consciously, since it can be inferred that this area allows finding a wide field of research, in which it is possible to propose a project like the present one, giving an answer to the need presented in the students of the kindergarten level of an educational institution in the city of Bogotá. Bearing in mind that when addressing a social investigative problem, it is necessary to build an action plan that allows not only the collection of information but also to ensure that the expected results are met, this is why after a participant observation it is necessary to respond. Based on the findings found for later, based on different pedagogical and didactic strategies, it is aimed at strengthening some healthy lifestyle habits in boys and girls after the Covid 19 pandemic and the return to face-to-face classes, since many factors at the level personal, family, social, cultural and economic could cause changes in the routines of study, eating and socializing with the other, notably affecting their learning process, the interaction they had in the classroom with their classmates and their emotional, physical and mental state. To achieve a research study as greater depth, clarity and coherence, it is decided to approach pedagogical action research methodology, since it allows the researcher to be immersed in the school context and thus achieve an efficient response to the needs, interests and expectations of educational actors, which in this case are students, teachers and parents. Strategies aimed at some educational actors are addressed, designed and implemented, which were accompanied by pedagogical activities aimed at achieving the objective of each of the strategies, in addition to being able to carry out an analysis based on the feedback of the teaching work within the classroom, reflection, analysis and subsequent adjustment of both activities at the macro and micro levels, in the same way to be able to address constant motivation as a key point in the children's development process, which in turn serves as a scaffolding for strengthen step by step the construction of significant, constant and formative learning.}, publisher = {Universidad de La Sabana}, title = {Estrategias de enseñanza para el fortalecimiento de los hábitos de vida saludable y relaciones adecuadas con el otro en niños y niñas del grado jardín}, author = {Trujillo, Cindy Julieth}, }