@misc{10818/50617, year = {2022}, month = {2}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/50617}, abstract = {En la práctica clínica, el empleo de monitorización hemodinámico de catéter venoso central en unidad de cuidado intensivo adulto ha surgido como una opción de acceso vascular en pacientes con estancias hospitalarias prolongadas por diversas patologías o por la necesidad de administrar múltiples infusiones de medicamentos. Los fármacos usados por vía intravenosa son de gran trascendencia en la práctica clínica diaria, ya que pueden afectar de forma directa la seguridad de los pacientes y la eficacia terapéutica de los fármacos debido a la incompatibilidad de las sustancias administradas y a su inestabilidad. El resultado de una disolución, combinación o tiempos de espera y/o administración incorrectos pueden acabar produciendo un “error de medicación”, una disminución de eficacia/efectividad terapéutica, o un efecto adverso no deseado. Por la anterior razón, este proyecto implementó en las unidades de cuidados intensivos adulto mayor de la Fundación Santafé de Bogotá una estrategia educativa que fortaleció el cuidado de enfermería frente a la organización de las infusiones de medicamentos de uso frecuente a través de un dispositivo de vía central.}, abstract = {In clinical practice, the use of hemodynamic monitoring of central venous catheter in adult intensive care unit has emerged as an option for vascular access in patients with prolonged hospital stays due to various pathologies or the need to administer multiple infusions of medications. Puncture catheterization of a central venous line is a common practice and necessary for the management of the critically ill patient. Drugs used intravenously are of great importance in daily clinical practice, as they can directly affect patient safety and the therapeutic efficacy of drugs due to the incompatibility of the substances administered and their instability the result of incorrect dissolution, dilution, combination or waiting times and / or administration can end up producing a "medication error”, a decrease in therapeutic efficacy/effectiveness, or an unwanted adverse effect. For the above reason, this project implemented in the intensive care units of the Santafé Foundation of Bogotá an educational strategy that strengthened nursing care against the organization of infusions of frequently used medications through a central line device. The strategy began by making a diagnosis that allowed to determine the degree of knowledge that the nursing professionals who work in the three inessive care units of the Santa Fe Foundation of Bogotá had regarding the management and administration of pharmacological infusions through a Trilumen central venous catheter. After this diagnosis, didactic material was developed and ninety nursing professionals of the Foundation were trained in topics related to medications most used for the management of critical patients, and the administration of infusions by central catheter. Finally, to evaluate the appropriation of knowledge by the nursing staff who participated in the training process, an evaluation was developed, obtaining that 80% of the population of nursing professionals incorporated this knowledge into their professional practice.}, publisher = {Universidad de La Sabana}, title = {Estrategia educativa para fortalecer el cuidado de enfermería frente a la administración de infusiones de medicamentos de uso frecuente a través de un dispositivo de vía central en paciente de cuidado intensivo adulto de una institución de cuarto nivel de la ciudad de Bogotá}, author = {Caicedo Romero, Nayibe and Cubillos Devia, Katherine}, }