@masterThesis{10818/50597, year = {2022}, month = {2}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/50597}, abstract = {La presente investigación busca examinar las transformaciones en la práctica de enseñanza de un docente de educación religiosa de básica secundaria con miras a fortalecer las habilidades de indagación y comunicación de los estudiantes. El proceso investigativo se realizó dentro de un enfoque cualitativo y en el marco de los postulados de la investigación- acción propuestos por Elliot (2000) y la metodología de la lesson study que permiten transformar la práctica de enseñanza del docente de educación religiosa desde la reflexión del docente investigador sobre las acciones de planeación, implementación y evaluación, que las llevan a desarrollarse como en un ejercicio innovador con los estudiantes.}, abstract = {This research seeks to examine the transformations in the teaching practice of Middle and Hight school religious education teacher, and to see how this field of knowledge can help strengthen students' inquiry and communication skills. The exercise carried out took, on the one hand, action-research as a central element, since, following Elliot (2000), it is considered that "the purpose of action-research consists of deepening the teacher's understanding (diagnosis) of his problem and is related to the daily practical problems experienced by teachers" and on the other the collaborative methodology of the lesson study because in the author's opinion they allow transforming the teaching practice of the religious education teacher into an innovative exercise in knowledge and know-how with students . In this sense, it is part of a qualitative approach. In other words, it allows the teacher's professional development process, focusing on the collaborative study of their teaching practice, focusing on the analysis of a class. Another important part of the research was the realization of several cycles of reflection which allowed to show that the planning actions led to transformations in relation to the design of comprehension objectives for the development of inquiry and verbalization skills in the classroom. Regarding the implementation actions, the practice was nuanced until reaching a communicative action in which the student gained prominence. Regarding the evaluation actions, the progress of the students can be stated, especially in the inquiry and communication skills raised from the planning.}, publisher = {Universidad de La Sabana}, title = {Transformación de las prácticas de enseñanza de un docente de educación religiosa para fortalecer las habilidades de indagación y comunicación en los estudiantes}, author = {Ruíz Montes, Edwin de Jesús}, }