@masterThesis{10818/50407, year = {2021}, month = {12}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/50407}, abstract = {El presente trabajo de investigación responde a una necesidad actual de los estudiantes de la educación básica y media, debido a la escasa información sobre ofertas educativas en instituciones de educación superior en Bogotá para estudiantes con discapacidad. Esta falta de información limita la accesibilidad al derecho educativo; es por esto que este trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo diseñar una plataforma virtual que brinde información sobre ofertas educativas en la educación superior dirigida a estudiantes con discapacidad con base en un análisis de sus necesidades e intereses. Para ello, se realizó una revisión teórica sobre los antecedentes de la accesibilidad a la educación superior en Bogotá. A partir de esta búsqueda, se creó y aplicó un instrumento de recolección de información que permitió indagar sobre la percepción que tienen los estudiantes frente a la accesibilidad en la educación superior. A partir de los resultados, se diseñó un sitio web que brindara información sobre ofertas educativas para personas con discapacidad, la cual fue validada por los mismos estudiantes que participaron en el estudio.}, abstract = {This research work responds to a current need of students of basic and secondary education, due to the scarce information on educational offers in higher education institutions in Bogotá for students with disabilities. This lack of information limits accessibility to educational law; This is why this research work aimed to design a virtual platform that provides information on educational offers in higher education aimed at students with disabilities based on an analysis of their needs and interests. For this, a theoretical review was carried out on the antecedents of accessibility to higher education in Bogotá. Based on this search, an information collection instrument was created and applied that will investigate the perception that students have regarding accessibility in higher education. Based on the results, a website was designed to provide information on educational offers for people with disabilities, which was validated by the same students who participated in the study. The study was carried out at the Marie Curie Country Bilingual Gymnasium (GBCMC). The methodology was organized in four stages: a diagnostic stage, in which an analysis was made of the virtual platforms that offer information on higher education for students with disabilities; Later, the stage of the design and implementation of an instrument for collecting information on the needs and interests on higher education for students with disabilities who are in secondary education followed, applying a questionnaire of 21 questions in total; Then, the website creation and design stage followed and finally, the site validation stage was carried out with the basic media students of the GBCMC. Although there are many educational institutions that apply quality inclusive academic processes, people with disabilities do not always have clarity about the process, the results and the link to the tertiary education system. The website product of this work, then, becomes an innovation to make visible and improve the selection, admission and enrollment processes of students with disabilities in higher education in Bogotá.}, publisher = {Universidad de La Sabana}, title = {Accesibilidad e innovación en la educación superior para personas con discapacidad en Bogotá}, author = {Cristancho Corredor, Jeimmy Patricia}, }