@masterThesis{10818/47328, year = {2021}, month = {3}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/47328}, abstract = {En la actualidad la industria farmacéutica en Colombia debe enfrentarse a retos que van más allá de crear, desarrollar y comercializar un medicamento, no es suficiente contar con un buen portafolio de productos ya que el mercado exige cambios en la manera de relacionarse con los diferentes actores del sistema de salud colombiano (Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá, 2019). Dicho lo anterior, los retos a los que se enfrentan los laboratorios farmacéuticos se ven reflejados en la complejidad del sistema de salud al que se enfrentan los Programas de Soporte a Pacientes y la incertidumbre debido a la alta desarticulación reflejada entre los diversos actores del sistema en la actualidad colombiana (Arias, 2014).}, abstract = {The Colombian pharmaceutical industry must face challenges that go beyond creating, developing and marketing a drug; it is not enough to have a good product portfolio as the market requires changes when interacting with different participants within the Colombian health system (Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá, 2019). That said, the challenges pharmaceutical labs face are reflected in the complexity of the health system when confronted by Patient Support Programs, as well as uncertainty due to the high disarticulation reflected in various participants in the Colombian news system (Arias, 2014). This is why most pharmaceutical laboratories are forced to develop distinguishing strategies such as delivering various additional services such as Patient Support Programs in order to be perceived as relevant for different participants in the system. Such programs allow patients to be accompanied as well as their families and/or health personnel to understand and manage their illnesses. In short, success is seeked in the best results provided during patient treatment adherence. (Colomer, 2017).}, publisher = {Universidad de La Sabana}, title = {Factores claves para el éxito de un programa de soporte a pacientes en Colombia}, author = {Rincón Victorino, Catalina María}, }