@misc{10818/46035, year = {2020}, month = {7}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/46035}, abstract = {En el presente trabajo se propone desarrollar un plan de comunicaciones para el gimnasio de Crossfit Tropa de la ciudad de Bogotá con el fin de mejorar la comunicación a través de los canales digitales de la organización para la capitalización de públicos objetivos y fortalecimiento de la comunidad de miembros. Para alcanzar este propósito en primer lugar se realizó un diagnóstico con el objetivo de identificar todo tipo de fallas comunicativas tanto a nivel interno como externo. De allí se estableció la necesidad de planear estrategias comunicativas para solucionar y mejorar específicamente sus prácticas de comunicación externa. El desarrollo de este proyecto consta de una investigación de tipo exploratoria y descriptiva de métodos mayormente cuantitativos. Sin embargo, hay espacios en los que los datos cualitativos justifican parte de las estrategias y tácticas propuestas. Las fuentes de información fueron primarias: La fundadora del gimnasio, empleados, atletas e integrantes del lugar y, por último, se realizó una encuesta masiva a personas que se ejercitan en otros espacios o practican diferentes disciplinas. Al igual, se incluyeron personas que residen cerca a la zona del establecimiento para conocer los hábitos de ejercicio que tienen. Por otra parte, fuentes secundarias, libros, investigaciones en internet y archivos físicos y digitales.}, abstract = {In the present work is proposed to develop a communications plan for the Crossfit Tropa gym in the city of Bogota in order to improve communication through the organization’s digital channels for the capitalization of target audiences and strengthening of the community of members. In order to achieve this goal, a diagnosis was carried out with the aim of identifying all types of communication failures, both internally and externally. This established the need to plan communication strategies to specifically address and improve their external communication practices. The development of this project consists of exploratory and descriptive research of mostly quantitative methods. However, there are spaces in which qualitative data justify part of the proposed strategies and tactics. The sources of information were primary: the founder of the gym, employees, athletes and members of the place and, finally, a massive survey was conducted of people who exercise in other spaces or practice different disciplines. Likewise, people who live near the establishment area were included to learn about their exercise habits. On the other hand, secondary sources, books, internet research and physical and digital files. This work takes 6 fitness centers located in Bogotá as a research reference, especially in places that are close to the Tropa gym, one in the city of Medellín and other establishments that provide aesthetic services. This analysis in order to know and compare the communication strategies, especially in social networks, that they have developed to attract customers. The foregoing, in order to obtain references and make new proposals to the Bogotá Tropa strategy. In addition, the communication strategies of these physical conditioning centers against the conjuncture of COVID - 19 with their clients and target audiences were evaluated.}, publisher = {Universidad de La Sabana}, title = {Diseño de plan estratégico de comunicación para el gimnasio de crossfit tropa Bogotá}, author = {Castro Sánchez, María Paula and Rangel Barón, Camilo Andrés}, }