@masterThesis{10818/43450, year = {2020}, month = {8}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/43450}, abstract = {The inferential understanding enclosed in both listening comprehension and critical thinking skills, have given diverse researchers the insight to correlate such concepts with new approaches. This study aims to investigate how the implementation of a flexible and overlapping framework of seven tasks divided into three categories; influence inferential listening comprehension by gradually increasing the tasks. Twenty-eight seventh-grade participants attending a bilingual school in Montería Colombia were introduced to visual aids and critical thinking listening tasks to encourage and advance critical thinking. Data were analyzed using the grounded theory approach. Results revealed that there was a positive correlation between critical thinking ability and inferential listening comprehension. Furthermore, differentiated instruction was used to scaffolding students with special needs. This strategy lends support to Numrich’s sequence of critical thinking tasks, described as an effective approach to scaffolding tasks that allow students to achieve their goals according to their proficiency level. The present study provides essential information about the design and implementation of inferential listening comprehension in heterogeneous groups.}, publisher = {Universidad de La Sabana}, title = {Using numrich’s sequence of critical thinking tasks to improve inferential ability in Listening comprehension of l2 learners with a1-b1 (cefr) english language level}, author = {Castro Núñez, Tania}, }