@misc{10818/37655, year = {2019}, month = {8}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/37655}, abstract = {This document gathers all the experience carried out in the educational institution Liceo Campestre Facatativá, where a diagnostic study is carried out based on the problems found related to the need to restructure the institutional horizon. The document addresses the situations identified in the management component, which focus on knowledge and ownership of the institutional horizon by parents, teachers, managers and students. The project proposes a restructuring of the mission and vision in order to meet the needs and expectations of stakeholders, focused on the projection of the school and at the same time propose some intervention activities aimed at strengthening the appropriation of the institutional horizon with the entire educational community.La Autora}, publisher = {Universidad de La Sabana}, keywords = {Planificación educativa}, keywords = {Administración escolar}, keywords = {Familia}, keywords = {Personal docente}, keywords = {Evaluación curricular}, title = {Plan de mejoramiento para la reestructuración del horizonte institucional en el Colegio Liceo Campestre Facatativá}, author = {Zamudio Mateus, Alejandra}, }