@masterThesis{10818/34608, year = {2018}, month = {11}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/34608}, abstract = {The current action-research explored the effects of In-class Flip on second graders selfregulation when writing narrative texts. The strategy selected to address the problem proposed a shift towards a student-centered classroom in elementary education where there is a transition from teacher-centered to student-centered environments. The study was conducted with a group of 25 female students between 8 and 9 years old at a private trilingual institution in Bogota. No previous studies have been conducted in the area of In-class flip to foster self-regulation in elementary students, for this reason this study presents relevant findings in the field. Data were collected through different instruments such as teacher’s journals, focus group, writing artifacts, satisfaction survey and a self-regulation questionnaire; these were analyzed using the Grounded Theory method. Results evidenced that In-class flip triggered self-regulatory behaviors and enhanced participants’ writing process. The study concluded that providing a student-centered atmosphere improves self-regulation but requires a change in teachers’ mindset, careful planning and thoughtful consideration of students’ needs and interests.}, publisher = {Universidad de La Sabana}, keywords = {Planificación educativa}, keywords = {Educación primaria}, keywords = {Escritura -- Estudio y enseñanza}, keywords = {Metacognición}, title = {In Class Flip: Triggering Second Graders Self- Regulation}, author = {Ramirez, Edith Andrea and Díaz Munevar, Liz Katherine}, }