@article{10818/28305, year = {2009}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/28305}, abstract = {Una proposición antropológica indica que el autor de una obra artística como ser humano, suele aparecer en forma consciente o inconsciente en sus obras. En Madame Bovary, obra clásica de Gustave Flaubert, el autor y su núcleo familiar no sólo aparecen en la narrativa, sino que son los protagonistas de la famosa novela, a pesar de que el escritor en su momento sostuvo lo contrario. Esto es lo que la presente investigación, desde la perspectiva antropológica, busca demostrar mediante la metodología de la observación, el análisis y la reflexión sobre la novela y cartas del autor a sus allegados. Por otra parte, la investigación también pretende darle el valor merecido al destacado escritor a quien, en forma gratuita, se le han adjudicado hechos contrarios a su sentir y calidad humana.}, abstract = {There is an anthropological proposition that suggests the author of a creative work, as a hu- man being, usually appears in his composition, whether consciously or unconsciously. In Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert’s classic tale, the author and his family not only appear in the narrative, but also are the central characters of the novel, even though the author denied it at the time. This is precisely what the pre- sent study attempts to demonstrate, from an anthropological perspective, through observation, analysis and reflection based on the novel and on the many letters written by Flaubert to friends and associates. The study also attempts to give Flaubert his due, considering what has been attributed to him without reason and con- trary to his way of thinking and his human qualities.}, publisher = {Universidad de La Sabana}, keywords = {Madame Bovary}, keywords = {Gustave Flaubert}, keywords = {Melancolía}, keywords = {Fracaso emocional}, keywords = {Infidelidad}, keywords = {Suicidio}, title = {Flaubert en Madame Bovary, un acercamiento antropológico al autor en su obra}, author = {Rojas de Perdomo, Lucía}, }