@misc{10818/27550, year = {2011}, month = {7}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/27550}, abstract = {Looking for more active and motivating methodological alternatives from the students’ perspective, which promote analysis and investigation abilities that make the student a more participative agent and some learning processes are facilitated, a practical study was conducted in the University of La Sabana (Chía, Colombia), in Computing Engineering (INF) and Agroindustrial Production Engineering (IPA) academic programs under the guiding question: Is Second Life an attractive tool for students, does it increment motivation, promote participation and facilitate learning processes in electronic related subjects in Engineering degrees? Second Life (SL) platform was then used as a traditional on-site class complement in electronic related subjects. A follow up was conducted with several groups during a year and a half, some students followed the subject with the traditional on-site methodology and others did it following a mixed methodology that combined traditional on-site lessons with virtual sessions trough SL, making a comparison and applying a quantitative as well as a qualitative methodology for the information analysis and recollection. After the specified study period it was found that using SL as part of the methodology, increments motivation toward electronic related subjects, and promotes participation and investigation, due to the fact that this tool makes learning possible in a funnier, more interactive and deeper way than if it had been taught in a master class. Having real-time access from a virtual classroom to all types of audiovisual information, helps more senses get involved in the learning process, making it more effective; nevertheless a weakness was detected related to the attention and concentration: students tend to get distracted, because their classroom is the computer and from there they have access not only to the many worlds of SL but to all the social networks and the Internet in general.}, publisher = {Computers & Education}, keywords = {Interactive learning environments; Postsecondary education; Teaching/learning strategies; Virtual reality}, keywords = {Interactive learning environments}, keywords = {Postsecondary education}, keywords = {Teaching/learning strategies}, keywords = {Virtual reality}, title = {Second Life as a support element for learning electronic related subjects: A real case}, doi = {10.1016/j.compedu.2011.07.019}, author = {Beltrán Sierra, Luis Miguel and Gutiérrez, Ronald and Garzón Castro, Claudia Lorena}, }