@misc{10818/25151, year = {2012}, month = {10}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/25151}, abstract = {Virtual education has become an alternative for students to access the _x000D_ higher education system. In Colombia, there has been an increase in the number _x000D_ of undergraduate programs in this form of education. However, information _x000D_ about the pedagogical work undertaken in those programs is scarce, and it is _x000D_ needed to examine their quality. This research project examined the education _x000D_ community�s perception of undergraduate virtual education programs in Co-_x000D_ lombian higher education institutions. One of the key elements in the analysis _x000D_ was the development of students� information literacy to find out about possible _x000D_ ruptures, transformations, advantages, problems and solutions that emerge from _x000D_ this form of education. The study used a quantitative and qualitative approach _x000D_ to gather information from teachers, coordinators, tutors and students from 9 _x000D_ higher education institutions. Results show that efforts to improve students� _x000D_ information literacy have been undertaken; however a greater collective effort _x000D_ is needed to improve the search for, evaluation and ethical use of information. _x000D_ Implicit here is the need for expert training and the need to reflect upon strategies to combat plagiarism.}, abstract = {La educaci�n virtual se constituye en una alternativa para el acceso_x000D_ de un mayor n�mero de estudiantes al sistema de educaci�n superior. En_x000D_ Colombia se ha incrementado el n�mero de programas de pregrado en esta_x000D_ modalidad, pero la documentaci�n sobre el trabajo pedag�gico desarrollado en_x000D_ la implementaci�n de estas propuestas educativas es insuficiente para examinar_x000D_ su calidad. Esta investigaci�n propuso como una de sus categor�as de an�lisis_x000D_ indagar las percepciones y experiencias de agentes educativos acerca del desarrollo_x000D_ de la alfabetizaci�n informacional en los programas que se ofrecen_x000D_ en esa modalidad para especificar transformaciones, avances, rupturas, entre_x000D_ otros aspectos. El estudio emple� t�cnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas para la_x000D_ recolecci�n de informaci�n de profesores, coordinadores, tutores y estudiantes_x000D_ de nueve instituciones de educaci�n superior que contaban con programas con_x000D_ un alto componente virtual. Los resultados muestran que se ha dado inicio al_x000D_ fortalecimiento de las competencias informacionales de los estudiantes, pero_x000D_ que a�n se requiere del trabajo colectivo entre profesores, tutores y estudiantes _x000D_ para refinar los criterios de b�squeda, valoraci�n y aplicaci�n de la informaci�n._x000D_ Se evidencia tambi�n la necesidad de capacitaci�n para expertos tem�ticos y la_x000D_ necesidad de reflexionar sobre estrategias para combatir el plagio.}, publisher = {Informaci�n, cultura y sociedad: revista del Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecol�gicas}, keywords = {Information literacy}, keywords = {Virtual programs}, keywords = {Higher education}, keywords = {Plagiarism}, keywords = {Alfabetizaci�n informacional}, keywords = {Programas virtuales}, keywords = {Educaci�n superior}, keywords = {Plagio}, title = {Informational Literacy in Virtual Higher Education: Achievements and Challenges}, title = {Alfabetizaci�n informacional en la educaci�n superior virtual: logros y desaf�os}, author = {Pineda Baez, Clelia Zobeida and Hennig Manzuoli, Cristina and Segovia Cifuentes, Yasbley and D�az G�mez, Darwin Andr�s and S�nchez Duarte, M�nica Marcela and Patricia Otero, Mar�a and Paul Rees, Geraint}, }