@misc{10818/24301, year = {2013}, month = {4}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/24301}, abstract = {Knowledge Management (KM) especially in developing countries in recent years has generated much interest to be incorporated as a strategy to enhance business competitiveness. However the results of several recent studies on the subject especially in Europe indicate that it cannot be concluded on the direct causal relationship between knowledge management and the results of the business activities. In this regard, the results of this study performed with a sample of 386 managers from 58 large and medium size enterprises in Bogota evidence the absence of direct relationship between these variables under study. This may result due to the fact that the impact of KM in the results of enterprises depends also on the specifics of each organization and/or the fact that their results are consequence of a number and not only one variable of the enterprise administrative field.}, publisher = {Public Administration Research}, title = {Knowledge management and organizational activity results in a sample of companies in Bogota}, doi = {10.5539/par.v2n1p46}, author = {Bernal, César A. and Fracica Naranjo, Germán}, }