%0 Generic %A Mendoza W.A.S. %A Butnaru D.S. %8 2022 %@ 7164076 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10818/59966 %X Refractory pruritus can be a symptom difficult to manage. We describe a case of a 37-year-old female patient with an oncological diagnosis of high-grade mesenchymal osteosarcoma in the left sacrum, hospitalized for urinary tract infection and poly-microbial bacteremia. During hospitalization, she presented pruritus of unknown cause, refractory to multiple treatments. Given the severity of symptoms and refractoriness, we administered aprepitant obtaining a complete resolution of the pruritus. With these findings, we raise the possibility of using aprepitant as a treatment for refractory pruritus. © 2022 Sociedad de Anestesiologia de Chile. All rights reserved. %I Revista Chilena de Anestesia %T Aprepitant, a possible alternative for refractory pruritus: Case report %T Aprepitant, una posible alternativa para el prurito refractario: Reporte de caso %R 10.25237/revchilanestv5129121002 %~ Intellectum