@misc{10818/27548, year = {2011}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/27548}, abstract = {This paper, the result of a qualitative research process, serves as a reflection on the ways in which early _x000D_ childhood teachers who belong to schools with different characteristics and possess different levels of _x000D_ training, learn to teach reading and writing to boys and girls. It was found that, independent of their level of _x000D_ training and education, practice in the classroom served as their main source of learning. From these findings, _x000D_ some questions emerge about the relationship between the theory and the everyday practice in the training _x000D_ of educators and what this suggests for the institutions responsible for such activity.}, abstract = {El presente art�culo, producto de un proceso de investigaci�n cualitativa adelantado con profesoras del nivel _x000D_ inicial, quienes contaban con diferentes niveles de formaci�n y trabajaban en colegios con diversas caracter�sticas, se centra en la reflexi�n sobre las formas en que aprenden a ense�ar a leer y a escribir a los ni�os. _x000D_ Se encontr� que independientemente del nivel de formaci�n que tengan las profesoras, su principal fuente _x000D_ de aprendizaje son las pr�cticas. A partir de estos hallazgos se plantean algunas preguntas sobre la relaci�n _x000D_ entre la teor�a y las pr�cticas cotidianas en la formaci�n docente y lo que esto sugiere a las instituciones _x000D_ formadoras de maestros}, publisher = {FOLIOS}, keywords = {Alfabetizaci�n inicial}, keywords = {formaci�n docente}, keywords = {conocimiento pr�ctico}, keywords = {conocimiento acad�mico}, title = {Everyday vs academic knowledge among early _x000D_ childhood teachers six questions)}, title = {Conocimiento pr�ctico y conocimiento acad�mico en los profesores del nivel inicial (seis preguntas)}, author = {Guzm�n Rodr�guez, Rosa Julia and Ecima S�nchez, In�s}, }